The Southeast Colorado Workforce Advantage

Southeast Colorado business owners consistently comment on the work ethic of their employees, calling it one of the strongest they have encountered. This allows companies to deliver more merchandise, offer a wider range of services, and enjoy larger profit margins.

To help businesses further increase their profits, La Junta Economic Development and our partners can help employers with workforce development, job training programs, and securing employment related tax incentives to help their businesses thrive in Southeast Colorado.



We Can Help with Your Workforce Development Efforts

Colorado Workforce Center

Workforce Development

Colorado Workforce Center – La Junta

The Colorado Workforce Center, located in La Junta, provides a variety of FREE services to assist employers and job seekers alike.

These services include:

OEDIT Job Training Grant

The funds are broken down into Colorado First funds and Existing Industry funds. Colorado First grant funds customized training only for net new hires at companies relocating to or expanding in Colorado.

Existing Industry grant funds customized training to help established Colorado companies and nonprofits remain competitive in their industry, adapt to new technology, and prevent layoffs.

Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade

Job Training Grant

Otero Junior College

Workforce Development

Otero Junior College

Otero Junior College offers a range of degree and certificate programs designed specifically for business owners and entrepreneurs. Classes provide instruction in management, finances, marketing, and a variety of operational areas.

In addition to regular educational programs, Otero Junior College works closely with employers to make sure that classroom and hands-on instruction develop skills tailored to the demands of today’s marketplace. The school has initiated custom worker training programs in as little as 30 days.

Colorado Enterprise Zone Program

The Colorado Enterprise Zone Program is designed to promote a business-friendly environment in economically distressed areas by offering state income tax credits that incentivize businesses to locate and develop in, and non-profit organizations to assist with the needs of these communities. Otero County is an Enterprise Zone.

Private-sector business activity encouraged by these income tax incentives brings job opportunities and capital investment to economically distressed areas. The private investment results in tax revenue for school districts, cities, counties and the state, outweighing the costs of the tax credits granted.

While the Enterprise Zone Program offers a variety of tax incentives, the following two are focused on workforce development:

EZ – Job Training: ​Companies that implement a qualified job-training program for their enterprise zoneemployees may earn an income tax credit of 12% of their eligible training costs.

EZ – New Employee Credit: ​Businesses increasing their workforce may earn a state income tax credit$1,100 per net new employee.

The Colorado Enterprise Zone (EZ) Program

Tax Credit

Job Growth Incentive

Tax Credit

Job Growth Incentive Tax Credit

The Job Growth Incentive Tax Credit (JGITC) is a skill-based program that offers State tax incentives to companies that develop new careers that could not have been created without it. The primary function of the JGITC is to assist companies and showcase them to the Colorado Economic Development Commission.

Strategic Cash Fund Incentive

This is a skill-based grant used to generate new jobs within the State that satisfy specific conditions. It facilitates and promotes new company expansions and relocations for the purpose of creating new work opportunities throughout the state of Colorado.

The Strategic Cash Fund Incentive also offers guidance on projects located in important statewide and local industries.

Strategic Cash Fund Incentive

New Jobs Grant

Find Your Dreams in La Junta, Colorado!

Whether you're looking for a full-time career, a part-time job, or trying to start your own business, there are plenty of possibilities to be found in a variety of career and business opportunities waiting for you in Southeastern Colorado.

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